Terms and Conditions


1. Application and Acceptance of the Terms

1.1 By using the services of Jaruis India Private Limited ("Jaruis"), you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions.

1.2 You may not use the services and may not accept these Terms if:


(a) You are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Jaruis, or

(b) You are prohibited from receiving any services under the laws of India or other applicable jurisdictions, including the country or region where you reside or from where you use the services.

1.3 You acknowledge and agree that Jaruis may modify these Terms at any time by posting the amended and restated Terms on the Jaruis website. Your continued use of the services after such modifications signifies your acceptance of the revised Terms.

2. Users Generally

2.1 As a condition of your access to and use of Jaruis services, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

2.2 You must read and accept Jaruis's Privacy Policy, which governs the protection and use of personal information about users held by Jaruis and its affiliates. By accepting these Terms, you consent to the use of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

2.3 You agree not to take any action that may undermine the integrity of Jaruis’s computer systems or networks or gain unauthorized access to such systems or networks.

2.4 You agree not to misuse any information obtained from Jaruis or its representatives, including using it to:


Set price levels or quotations for products and services not purchased from Jaruis,

Prepare website content, contracts, or agreements without Jaruis's participation.

3. Products and Prices

3.1 As we continuously develop and upgrade our products and services, any technical or non-technical specifications, including but not limited to web pages, reports, tables, figures, images, videos, or audio files, may be altered or completely changed without prior notice.

3.2 Prices listed on Jaruis or provided by any representatives of Jaruis are subject to change without prior notice.


4. Limitation of Liability

4.1 Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through Jaruis is done at each user's sole discretion and risk. Each user is solely responsible for any damage to their computer system or loss of data that may result from downloading any such material.